The platform changes how content is shared, voted and promoted on the network. One user does not mean one vote because this creates problems with fake accounts and actors that can spread misinformation to further their commercial and political interests.

The user does not simply like a post, but can specify how much by spending VP tokens to vote. This can represent a fairer way to rank content on the platform by guaranteeing that the most active and knowledgeable users will have the most influence.

The process for curators

The curators are incentive to search for the most relevant content and rank it properly as follows:

1) Acquiring VTV tokens

The new users can create an account and accumulate the first coins through a referral program. They can also purchase the coins on exchanges by using a variety of currency. The collected VTV will create a supply of VP that can be used for ranking content.

2) Searching for quality content with great potential virality

The curators browse content on the platform and determine its potential based on number of votes, the date it was posted, who voted on it and other factors that are suitable.

3) Voting and getting rewarded

The curators vote on content with a certain number of VP. They can get rewarded in VTV if the content proves to be of quality and more people vote after that. The amount of VTV that is rewarded is proportional to the VP that was spent to vote. The viewers can thus vote in several ways depending on the quality.

The process for creators

The content creators are also incentivized to post quality content as follows:

1) Acquiring VTV tokens

The new users who want to post content can accumulate the first coins with the referral program. They can also purchase the coins on exchanges for a variety of currencies.

2) Post content

The creators can upload content on the platform, tag it properly and set the VP amount they want for promoting the post.

3) Get rewarded if the fans vote

The creator can get rewarded in VTV if the users vote on the post. The amount of VP spent to promote the content is proportional to the VTV reward. The creators can thus choose to use the most VP for the content that is of the highest quality and that can get the best reception by viewers.

Last updated